Thursday, December 16, 2010

Email to Ann Coulter

(My author did not respond to my email)

Mrs. Ann Coulter,

Hi, my name is Sam Schabel and I am a senior at Roncalli High School. For my Language and Composition class, we are doing blogs on an Op-Ed writer. I chose to follow your posts because I like your writing and how you view politics.

On my last post, I read your article entitled "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Call Our Troops Homophobes." I anaylized the article, found the claim that you were stating and also the concession to the claim. Also, I had to find support points to your claim. After that, I had to find examples that you gave that proved your supporting points. The idea of this exercise was to help students to shape an argument.

Since I was interesting in this article, are there any articles that you can suggest for me to read that are similar to this?

Thank you for your time and I would very much appreciate a response.

Thanks again,

Sam Schabel

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