Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ann Coulter Article

Ann Coulter recently posted an article on her website at http://anncoulter.org/

The title is " Napolitano: The Ball's In My Court." This article is talking about a very controversial issue now in our airports: the new full body scans. Coulter not only complains about the new scanners but also complains about the people being frisked which is the alternative to the full body scans. She names off many different laws established trying to keep airports safe from terrorists and notes how useless they really are. Coulter addresses the issue that airport security has to check everyone when the hard truth is that they really only need to check foreign male, Muslims. This sounds harsh but Coulter is just proving that "little old ladies" are not a threat and should not be subject to these checks as others should be. Coulter, throughout the article, is critiquing Janet Napolitano, who is the head of the airport security.

The reason why Coulter wrote about this is because she thinks that it is wrong and unfair for Americans to go through with these airport checks. She wonders how much further airport checks will go when terrorists become smarter with sneaking in weapons.

Examples of unnecessary checks in airports:
-taking "little old ladies' knitting needles"
-taking "mouse-sized nail files off of passengers' nail clippers"
-frisking people who refuse the full body scan check

One technique that Ann Coulter uses throughout this article is that she acts very sarcastic toward the airport checks while also poking fun at them. She gives several ridiculous situations that may happen in the future of airport security. One example of her being sarcastic is when she writes as if she is an airport officer "' Please have your genitalia out and ready to be fondled when you approach the security checkpoint." Examples like these make the reader laugh and have more interest into the article while also showing how serious this issue is.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ann Coulter Introduction

Ann Coulter writes on her own website which is http://www.anncoulter.org/

Ann Coulter, in 2001, was named one of the top one-hundred Public Intellectuals by federal judge Richard Posner. She has written many different books that are very conservative. She also has appeared on many different television shows such as The O'Reilly Factor and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. She is from Conneticut and graduated from Cornell University. She then attended the University of Michigan Law School where she obtained her J.D. She worked for Senator Spencer Abraham where she assisted with immigration and crime issues.